Dusty Kennedy Blah, blah, blah...
I was thinking the other day about Obama’s plan to “spread the wealth around.” I’m about to go for a drive so ride along with me, if you will. Obama, our new President Elect, has stated many times that he is going to spread the wealth around. So, those that...
I’d like to take this time to say how much I love my wife. I sent her a text this afternoon asking her to help me get out and run tonight. I have to say that I hate to run. And I really hate running at night. By the time...
I just realized that I haven’t written a post in a while, so I’ll try to catch up a little. Today marks the first day in our new offices in West Little Rock. It adds about 10 to 15 minutes to my commute each day. Not too bad though. I...
“Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays” Immortal words spoken by one of Matt Judge’s characters from the cult classic “Office Space.” Every Monday I am reminded of this quote. Until this morning. My daughter got up really early this morning. As in 5 am early. She went...
Where do I even begin? Someone please explain to me how giving a bunch of people, that have proven to be bad with money, more money is going to be good for the economy. Did I miss something here? Am I taking crazy pills? I’m not an economics professor or...
I went to the Celebration and Dedication of the new Searcy High School Performing Arts Center this afternoon. All I can say is … wow! It is probably the most state of the art facility that I have seen. And you know what? Those stupid kids won’t even know how...
I just finished reading an amazing book called The Shack by William Young. I had heard a lot about this book from a few of my friends and how it had a profound impact on them. So, I thought I would have to give it a shot. After all, I...
I’ve spent the past week in Jacksonville, FL. At first glance, that seems like a nice vacation. But, alas, it not vacation; it is work. Amy was really wanting to go to this trip but I found out kinda last minute and there was no way we could afford the...
You may have seen my note that I was in Boston last week. I flew in on Monday with 6 co-workers to train on a new admin system that we are purchasing. I have to admit, I was pretty pumped to go. I have always wanted to go to Boston...
Interesting week. Been in Boston for the past few days. Will write more when I get a chance.
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