Random Thought

I was thinking the other day about Obama’s plan to “spread the wealth around.” I’m about to go for a drive so ride along with me, if you will.

Obama, our new President Elect, has stated many times that he is going to spread the wealth around. So, those that have a lot will be taxed so that those that don’t have a lot can have more than they normally would or can’t currently afford. So, in essence, take from the rich and give to the poor. Modern day Robin Hood. Okay. Not a problem. I’m one of the people that stand to gain from this.

We have seen that most of the celebrities are behind Obama and have given him their support. These are the same people that are always telling us not to “illegally download” movies or music. This coming from some of the wealthiest people in the nation. I know they are going to get hit by Obama’s “over 250,000 200,000 153,000 income” tax plan. So, and here’s the stretch, why should these people gripe about us downloading their precious “intellectual property?” I mean, if they are worried about us “taking money out of their pockets” by downloading the newest CD, then how is that different than us “taking money out of their pockets” by them being taxed more? When you think about it, if I don’t buy their newest album, they will have less income and won’t be taxed as much. So, I would be helping them out if I “borrowed” their new album.

So, isn’t redistributing the wealth the same as us all sharing the benefits of our hard work? Doesn’t matter if it is money or some other tangible good. I don’t have the latest Diddy album. He worked hard for Obama to be elected. So, isn’t he giving me permission to “share” his money/music?

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6 Responses

  1. I’ve not heard actual celebrities speak out against piracy, other than Metallica. Most of the hub-bub originates from the RIAA and the MPAA looking out for their own interests.

    Check out these articles:
    Noel Gallagher of Oasis Speaks Out on Piracy
    RIAA CEO Backs John McCain

  2. Dusty says:

    Here’s an article with everyone’s favorite funny lady, Tina Fey.

    AG speaks and Tina Fey (doesn’t, but stands) out against piracy

  3. In that case, I still haven’t heard actual celebrities speak out against piracy.


  4. Jenn says:

    I am saddened that “redistribution of wealth” is a dirty word. I would encourage you to educate yourself on the progressive tax history that is essential to democracy. Shared sacrifice and contributing to the greater good has little to do with illegally downloading music and more to do with restoring this country to greatness. I encourage you to look into history where you will find our current tax rates are unreasonably low. Freedom has a price and in 1944 that price was an income tax of 94% for the top bracket. I’d argue Obama’s proposed increase from 36% to 39.3% is pretty mild. Of course, the 1944 tax rate was paid by what is now referred to as the “greatest generation” where the entire country responded to an attack on American soil. At that time, EVERYONE made sacrifices–rationing, managed wages and prices, constrained business freedoms, etc. After our 2nd attack on American soil, our leader told us to go out and spend money. Shame on him for leading with irresponsibility and greed. Shame on us for following with selfishness and ignorance. Young men and women give their lives every day to defend our freedom, and we’re arguing amongst ourselves about a couple bucks. It’s time for us to quit complaining, roll up our sleeves, help our neighbor, and work toward the greater good. UNITED we stand, remember?

  5. Dusty says:

    I appreciate your comments. I understand rebuilding the economy. That I get. What I have a problem with is taking hard earned money and just passing it out to people that haven’t done anything to earn it. I have problems with a welfare system that allows people to live off of the government. How does that encourage anyone to better their situation? Don’t get me wrong. There are people that are on welfare that are genuinely struggling and are trying to do better, but on the whole, that’s not the case.

  6. Alison says:

    I work hard for my money and I distribute it to whom I will, sometimes for selfish pleasure, sometimes at the prompting of God, and then there’s the taxes I give to the gov’t. to redistribute.
    I don’t mind helping those in real need at all. I don’t think our gov’t. has such a good track record of how best to spend my money, so they would be my last choice for distributing my wealth.
    Oh, and I don’t expect anyone to give me a handout unless I’ve earned it. (that’s why I have such a hard time accepting God’s grace)

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