Social Location Technologies

Question:  Why have we as a society become so enamored with telling everyone what we are doing and where we are?

Think about that for a bit.

With applications like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and others, we can let people know what we are doing every second of the day.  I’m not knocking the technologies.  I’m a member of and take advantage of them all (except Foursquare…haven’t gotten into that one yet).  I just find it ironic that we enjoy all of these things in an age where we scream at the top of our lungs about privacy and how Big Brother is always watching us or tapping our phone lines or spying on us through our computers.  Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t support any of those activities.  Fact of the matter is, Big Brother can save a lot of that “stimulus” money by cutting their surveillance budget.  Dude, all you gotta do is monitor Twitter feeds and Foursquare locations to find out where and what people are up to.

So, I guess the better question is:  Why do we complain about invasions of privacy when we so freely publish the minutiae of our lives?

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