Category: Technology


The Best Home Media Center

Wow…. that’s a bold assertion.  “The Best Home Media Center.”  Well, maybe I should rephrase it; “The Best Home Media Center That I Have Found To Meet My Needs.”  Or something like that. If you know me, you know I like my movies and TV shows.  And I like finding...


Netflix…how I love/hate thee

We live in an amazing time.  It’s pretty awesome, when you think about it, that at a moment’s notice I can summon thousands of hours of entertainment on my TV.  Well, my TV that is attached to my XBOX 360 that runs Netflix live streaming.  Ah, yes…my 360.  There’s another...


Anyone out there?

Yeah. It’s been QUITE a while since I updated this blog.  I’m trying to balance all of the technology I use to stay connected and I think I’m dangerously close to overload.  Here are the different ways to keep up with me: Facebook Twitter Tumblr LinkedIn Google+ And those are...



If only it were this easy. I expected him to be a little less formal though.  I was hoping for a “Hey, Dusty!  What’s up?  You okay?  Let’s just chat for a while.  How the kids?  You haven’t posted pics of them in a while.  I know you’re busy, but,...


Social Location Technologies

Question:  Why have we as a society become so enamored with telling everyone what we are doing and where we are? Think about that for a bit. With applications like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and others, we can let people know what we are doing every second of the day.  I’m...



If you have a Mac, you need to check out MacHeist.  There have a ton of awesome apps for Macs for only $39!  The total value of the bundle is close to $1000.  Also, and here’s the kicker, 25% of each sell goes to charity.  Can’t get much better than...


DIY – Failed

Well, I tried the DIY DTV antenna.  I failed miserably. Well, maybe not failed, but the antenna failed to pick up any signals.  I think it only works on TVs that have a built in digital tuner.  Either that, or I was just too far away from a signal.  It...



Interesting week. Been in Boston for the past few days. Will write more when I get a chance.