Category: General


Anyone out there?

Yeah. It’s been QUITE a while since I updated this blog.  I’m trying to balance all of the technology I use to stay connected and I think I’m dangerously close to overload.  Here are the different ways to keep up with me: Facebook Twitter Tumblr LinkedIn Google+ And those are...


Still Here…

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything, but I’ve been incredibly busy. May was probably our busiest month in a long time.  Here are a couple of things that have happened since the last time I posted. Iliana turned 4 We went to a couple of different...


New Site

Nick showed me a new site called that lets you map out your runs, track your training, and other various features. I just got a newsletter from them and the also have, which is a lot more suited for me. The great thing about both these sites is...


iPod Repair

Well, last night I realized that Amy’s iPod is starting to fritz out. I don’t know if it has anything to do with me dropping it the other day, but that couldn’t have helped. But, I’m thinking, if an iPod can’t recover from a very small fall, then it sucks....


Got a free Xbox…sort of

Okay, I made a post about how to get a free xbox a while back. Well, I wasn’t sure if this would work but I had heard about some guys getting free Macs from this guy’s site. I was a little skeptical, but thought, “What the heck.” So, I found...


Gotta love ebay…

Okay, I recently sold some DVDs on ebay a couple of weeks ago. I sold one, Soldier, to a guy. I have never sold a faulty product, at least not knowingly. The guys sends me a message saying that it was broken and … you know what, here is the...


Still here

I’m still here, I just have no time to blog. So I will say this, Windows sucks and it makes me mad. Bill Gates, you have entirely too much money when your systems continually crash.



Okay, we’ve all seen the emails or the ads on hundreds of sites trying to give away free stuff for iPods to Xboxes and everything in between. Well, I have it on pretty good authority that this actually works. I was listening to a podcast yesterday of a couple of...