Gotta love ebay…

Okay, I recently sold some DVDs on ebay a couple of weeks ago. I sold one, Soldier, to a guy. I have never sold a faulty product, at least not knowingly. The guys sends me a message saying that it was broken and … you know what, here is the conversations:


The Dvd that I recieved was cracked.Please respond quickly

So I respond quickly,


The item I shipped was in the condition as described. Fault lies with the postal service. I will refund your purchase. Please send the DVD back and I will refund shipping for USPS Media Mail and the full amount you paid for the item (cost and shipping). Let me know if this is unacceptable. Also, just wondering, this item was delivered almost a week ago. Why are you just now contacting me?

I felt like I was being reasonable. I mean, I’m willing to pay for the return shipping and fully refund his money. Evidently he didn’t,


Well I was out of town and I don’t appreciate it is none of your business why I am just now contacting you. The movie itself still plays but it would be appreciated a partial refund but I will not be returning.

Movie still plays, but is cracked. Odd.


Okay, slow down. I’m not trying to get into your business. It’s a legitimate question. I state in the auction that items must be returned in 7 days. Therefore, if that time is elapsed, I need to know why you couldn’t meet the 7 day return. You have to see it from my side of the situation. You are asking me to send you a refund and I have no way of verifying if the product is actually damaged. I have no problem refunding your money, but it clearly states in my auction that “I aim to please, so if you are not satisfied with the item you receive, send it back for a refund. Item will be refunded as money back. Item leaves my possession in condition that is stated in description. Not responsible for lost mail.” Item left my possession in the condition described. I cannot be at fault for the postal services mistakes. That’s what insurance is for and I offer that on all of my items. Second, I clearly state that the item must be returned for a refund. You wouldn’t go to a store, buy a DVD, get home and play it, realized it is defective (but still plays), and then go back to the store and request a refund without returning the item. No, they would expect you to return the defective item and fully refund your money, which is what I am offering to do. Believe me, I’m not trying to be a jerk. Look at my feedback. I don’t misrepresent the items I sell. You said that the DVD plays and that you would not return it. How can I, in good faith, issue a refund on something I can’t verify as being damaged? Let’s discuss this like rational adults.

Once again, I felt that this was a valid response. Little did I know, I was very much mistaken,


I understand that and I am not trying to be a jerk either, your correct you are not responsible I will keep the dvd seeing that it does play but I don’t appreciate being sold a broken dvd and then my intelligence insulted by telling me it is the post offices fault.

have a nice day

Well, I wanted to clear the air and reinforce the fact that I did not sell him a broken DVD. A broken DVD won’t play,


There was no insult involved in the statement. If the DVD was broken, it wouldn’t play. I didn’t sell you a broken DVD. I don’t misrepresent my items. Check my feedback. The only way that it could have been broken, in which case it wouldn’t play, would be between when I dropped it off at the post office and when it was delivered to you. I’m sorry that you feel like you were sold faulty merchandise, but, you said yourself, the DVD plays. If it didn’t play, I could completely understand your frustration, but it does play so I don’t understand your argument. Even if it was scratched really bad, I could understand, but the DVD is not affected if it plays. I am not trying to start an argument, I am just trying to understand the problem.

Once again, I felt like it was a rational response. Once again, I was mistaken,


obviously you are still not understanding, if you look at a dvd the plastic clear part in the center of the dvd was cracked if it is even handled not carefully it could break….now I don’t expect that you have another of the movie to give to me in return for this one and I have no crazy ideas that you would if you did. Obviously this is how you handle selling on ebay so you have no worries about expecting anymore purchases from me.

First time he said anything about a replacement or how the DVD was damaged. Him saying that he wouldn’t purchase from me anymore was a welcomed comment,


I have told you each and every time that we have communicated that I would be more than happy to refund your money. You just have to send me the DVD in return. It clearly states this in my auction description. I have bent over backwards to work with you and all you do is come back with snippy remarks. It’s very simple, if you want the refund, send the DVD back.

As you can tell, this guy is really getting on my last nerve.


And I have told you over and over again unless you have another soldier to send me I do not expect a refund I will keep the movie! I was simply notifying you of your faulty merchandise. If you hadn’t went ahead and started your little argument you would not have recieved any “snippy” remarks from me, but you didn’t do that now did you? so there will be no refund and no return of the dvd, agreed?

What is his definition of “over and over again?”


The only time you have even hinted at being sent a replacement was in the message before this one. So don’t state that you have “told me over and over.” I have all of the correspondence to prove this. And as far as me starting an argument, that is also false. I am simply a seller trying to understand the problem so that I can do my best to remedy the situation. But, I will agree with your last statement, if there is no return, there can be no refund or replacement issued, per the instructions that I have laid out in my auction description.

Evidently, that response frustrated him,


The next message that you send me if it has anything more than “that is it. thank you.” or something to that effect I will report you for harassment and also give you negative feedback. I have tried to end this conversation twice now and you seem to keep coming back with “snippy” comments. and you know where you can put your documentation? take a wild guess

I don’t care about the feedback or the harassment report, but this transaction is growing very old, very fast and I am growing tired of debating this moron. But I also wanted to go out with the whole “kill’em with kindness” approach.


Sorry this transaction had to end badly. I hope you have better dealings in the future. Thanks for the purchase.

All that being said, I’ll let you decide who was in the wrong. Did I let pride get in the way or did I handle the situation according the rules specified in the auction? Was he being a jerk or was it a valid argument to request a refund and keep the item? Let me know.

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