Category: Television


Netflix…how I love/hate thee

We live in an amazing time.  It’s pretty awesome, when you think about it, that at a moment’s notice I can summon thousands of hours of entertainment on my TV.  Well, my TV that is attached to my XBOX 360 that runs Netflix live streaming.  Ah, yes…my 360.  There’s another...


DIY – Failed

Well, I tried the DIY DTV antenna.  I failed miserably. Well, maybe not failed, but the antenna failed to pick up any signals.  I think it only works on TVs that have a built in digital tuner.  Either that, or I was just too far away from a signal.  It...


Let’s hear it for Lifehacker

I was recently introduced to a very nice little site. I’m sure that all of you are already aware of it, but I wasn’t. It’s called Lifehacker. It has a great collection of articles about all kinds of stuff. If you like technology and computers, I highly recommend visiting this...


Here we go again

Hi. My name is Dusty. And I’m an addict. Why do I do this to myself? I have plenty of shows to watch. I don’t need to add another to it. But, alas, another has been added. What show? A fun little family show called Prison Break. Yes, yes, I...



Each year, I usually pick up a new TV show that I like. This year, it’s Heroes. NBC has finally got a good show. If you know me, you know that I love comic book movies…with the exception of Catwoman, or whatever the name of that piece of junk that...