Let’s hear it for Lifehacker

I was recently introduced to a very nice little site. I’m sure that all of you are already aware of it, but I wasn’t. It’s called Lifehacker. It has a great collection of articles about all kinds of stuff. If you like technology and computers, I highly recommend visiting this site.

So, this week I have found 2 really nice web apps. Mint and ted. Since I use torrents to watch all of my TV shows, you can imagine how much of a pain it is to have to go out and search for new episodes each week. Thanks to Lifehacker, I was introduced to ted. ted stands for Torrent Episode Downloader. It comes with a list of predefined shows and all you have to do is click on a show, find an episode and it does the rest. It will search the torrent sites and then open the torrent in your torrent client. Also, when the next week rolls around, it will automatically go out and find the new episodes. Huge time saver. If you download TV torrents, this is the way to go.

Mint is an online finance manager. If you use internet banking or have credit cards, this is a really great all-in-one site. It’s like Quicken online, but better. Very easy to use interface and it just came out of beta so future enhancements are on the way. I can see, at a glace, where all of my money is going each month. Looks like I need to be buying stock in Sonic, since it looks like that is Amy’s favorite place to go. She loves the Sonic drinks. It also looks at all of your expenses and finds offers that could save you money. I pay about $60 dollars a month for all of our cell phones. Well, it saw this expense and went out and found a savings of over $400 a year for me if I switched to Vonage. Neat stuff. Check it out.

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2 Responses

  1. Dustin says:

    I had heard buzz about Mint, but since you like it maybe I’ll check it out.

    Molly tried using Quicken and got fed up with it. She said that it wouldn’t do some simple things that she wanted it to and she’d rather use Excel.

    I’ll let you know if she likes Mint.

  2. Dusty says:

    I really like it. It’s still a baby, but it’s got some really powerful features. One of the only drawbacks is that you occasionally have to update the category that it assigns to all of your transactions. Not really a big deal sense most programs don’t even attempt to categorize your transactions.

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