Really Cool Test

A friend of mine posted a really neat article and test on a forum that I host. It talked about how people are left brained or right brained. It has an animated picture of a dancer spinning around in a circle. You have to determine which way she is spinning: Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise. You may think, “It can only be going one way.” But is doesn’t. It’s all how your brain perceives it. I’ll go ahead and tell you that when I initially saw it, it was moving clockwise, making me right brained. The article said to see if you could change it. Well, I studied the picture and figured out how to change it. Not doing anything by clicking on it or anything, but just how to look at it. It’s kinda like those holographic pictures that came out in the 90’s. You know the kind that you stare at until you see a picture. Well, I never could see the picture in those dang things. I can still remember all the people making fun of me…. Anyway, click on the link and see how you fare. Let me know which side you are and if you could change the direction.

Left Brain vs. Right Brain

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