Hillary Clinton…Give me one good reason.

Ya know, one of the things that frustrates me most about this candidate is her supporters. Not the informed ones, but the uninformed ones. I have no problem with people that can give me a good reason for voting for her. My problem comes when people use one or two of the following:

    Bill was a great President.
    I think it’s time for a woman President.
    George Bush is a moron.

Let’s break these down:

Bill was a great President.
Okay. That’s great. He was a good President. He did some great things. All of which escape me right now, but I’ll go ahead and agree that he did some great things. That doesn’t qualify Hillary in any way. That’s like you being on an operating table and the surgeon looks down and says, “Hey, it’s okay, my husband was a surgeon for 8 years.” Just because Bill was good, doesn’t necessarily mean Hillary is going to be good.

I think it’s time for a woman President.
If this is your reasoning for electing the next leader of the free world, please don’t vote. That would be like voting for Obama because he is black. It’s actually sexist to choose your candidate based on this reasoning. Could you imagine the outcry if all of the candidates were women and a guy ran and people started saying, “Well, it’s time for a man to win.” It doesn’t matter that she is lacking a Y-chromosome. She did prove she could use those woman-ly wiles and start crying so people would take pity on her and give her what she wanted. That’s the only reason she won New Hampshire. I’ve even talked to Hillary supporters that agree with me on that one.

George Bush is a moron.
So what. How does this in any way make Hillary the best candidate for the job. Bush just surrounded himself with the wrong people. You would think that by now, someone would of thought of putting a micro-receiver in his ear and feed him lines during press conferences. And if they are doing that, the guy feeding the lines has to be a Democrat. That’s why we get Bush saying stuff like, “Too many OB/GYNs aren’t able to practice their love, with women all across the country.” Yeah, that was pretty stupid, but using his stupidity as an example does not in anyway qualify another candidate. Simply going around saying, “At least Hillary is smarter and more articulate than Bush”, isn’t enough to qualify her in my book.

I once saw the end of 60 minutes and the commentator said, “If you don’t know the names of your 2 Senators, please don’t vote, because your vote is going to cancel my vote.” I think it makes sense. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we can all agree on the fact that we want informed citizens voting in the election. I don’t want people voting who vote for Fred Thompson because their favorite show is Law and Order. (I know someone who is doing that.) I don’t care who the candidate is, Democrat or Republican. Just have a good, informed reason based on the candidate’s platform. Know what the candidate stands for. Heck, everyone keeps telling me, “Ron Paul‘s not electable.” So what, I’m still gonna vote for the guy because I believe in his message and his stance on a lot of issues.

And there’s also the fact that he is male … and old. I think it’s about time we have an old white guy as President. 😉

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3 Responses

  1. neoauteur says:

    So, can you give me a valid reason to vote for Ron Paul? He has a plan but no record of success. All I know is that the U.S. economy was quite good during the Clinton Administration. It’s highly documented that Hillary was deeply involved during the administration. Some people compare Laura Bush with Hillary Clinton. How dare they? What has Laura Bush done, in terms of policy, during her husband’s term. Nothing. And so are the previous First Ladies (except for Eleanor Roosevelt) in the modern era.

  2. Dusty says:

    Gladly. He is all about the reduction of government spending. He is a Constitutionalist; if it ain’t in the Constitution, he won’t vote for it. He’s pro-life. He wants to return the power of the government back to the people.

    Just because he has no record of success doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a good President. Thomas Edison said,
    “If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” – Encyclopedia Britannica
    US inventor (1847 – 1931)

    I’m glad he didn’t give up because he didn’t have initial success.

    Also, if it’s highly documented, please cite your source. I not trying to be a jerk; quite the opposite. If there is documented proof out there that Hillary was behind a lot of Bill’s initiatives, I would like to read about it.

    Thanks for the comments!

  1. January 10, 2008

    […] Mr. Churchill wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt Ya know, one of the things that frustrates me most about this candidate is her supporters. Not the informed ones, but the uninformed ones. I have no problem with people that can give me a good reason for voting for her. My problem comes when people use one or two of the following: Bill was a great President. I think it’s time for a woman President. George Bush is a moron. Let’s break these down: Bill was a great President. Okay. That’s great. He was a good President. He did some great thin […]

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