Trail Run

Well, did my first trail run today. A friend of mine, Jon, is going to run a 50K trail run in April. So, decided to do his long run with him this week. Luckily, his long run is just supposed to be a hour to 2 hours on the trail. I thought, “Humph. No problem. Only an hour today?” Little did I know. Talk about tough. I have found a new way of getting a better workout with my time. I ran about 5 miles today; 3 of it being on the trail. I feel like I just ran 10 or 11 miles. The constantly switching from go up hill to down hill. Dodging rock and limbs. Pretty tough. It was as much of a mental workout as it was a physical workout. Good news is I only fell one time. Check out my route.

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Oh yeah, good times. I don’t know if I will be able to make it next week. I hurt.

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