Sunday, Run day!

This was the witty little idea that my training partner/coach, Matt, came up with. Every Sunday, we run. Well, I was a little worried about this because I haven’t been able to run in a long time. But he assured me that we would take it pretty slow. And we did. I think that if I were to race now, at the pace that I ran yesterday, everyone else would be finishing by the time I got half way. Oh well, that’s why we train. I was also worried that my knees would be killing me after running. To my suprise, they weren’t. The rest of my legs were sore but my knees were fine. I’m thinking I’m gonna try running at least twice a week: Sunday and Wednesday. That way, by the time my body is healing up from Sunday, I’m torture it some more by running again, and vice versa. Oh well, that’s it for me, for now. I know there is no one reading this right now, so I don’t even know why I bother. Maybe, just maybe, when the family starts participating, they will maybe read it and possibly write something too. Until then…

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1 Response

  1. Granny says:

    More power to ya! I’m sure you’ll finish in the top 10 as you anticipate (especially if there are only 9 running!) Tell us about the barn pictures and the two story house and the silo. Does that belong to Amy’s folks? What is the STACK album? Isn’t that Smok’s email acronym? I love the picture of Iliana with the soap suds on her head. Don’t have that one. Talk to you soon.

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