
Well, to all those that care, I am currently training for a triathalon. Yes, big ol’ me. I told a few people about it Memorial Day weekend and started training when I got back. The one I am training for is in the middle of September. Hopefully, I will be ready. The race is a 500 yard swim, a 13 mile bike ride, and a 3 mile run. I have been training for the biking aspect of it first. I try to ride every day and combined with a better diet, I have lost about 13 pounds so far. I’m trying to get enough weight off of my frame before I start running or I will end up really hurting my knees. Anyway, I’m training with a friend of mine named Matt. He was already in pretty good shape, but has really been instrumental in keeping me accountable. It helps that we work together and are in the same small group at church. Anyway, I just hope that I can keep this up. It’s tough but it will be well worth it. I’m not doing the race to compete with anyone. There is no way in the world that I could even finish in the top 10 even if only 9 people were in the race. I’m doing this for me. It’s been a goal of mine since I saw a video on Team Hoyt (Website Video). Oh well, maybe I’ll at least get in a little better shape. My worship pastor at church suggested that we film the training and track the progress and put together a little video that we could use in church that promotes accountablility and endurance. Basically, how training for a triathalon is similar to being a Christian. After all, the Bible does refer to it as race. Hebrews. Anyway, I’m sure I’ve wasted enough of your time.

We will try to keep this updated as to what all is going on. Feel free to add comments and register so that you can add posts. I would like for this to be a place that everyone can come to see what is going on. See ya.

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