As promised…

I’d like to take this time to say how much I love my wife. I sent her a text this afternoon asking her to help me get out and run tonight. I have to say that I hate to run. And I really hate running at night. By the time I get home and get everyone fed, the last thing I feel like doing is running. Which is why I usually don’t run. If I could run as soon as I got home, that would be better. So, I was only expecting my wife to say something like, “Hey, don’t you need to get your fat butt outside and run?” Then I, depressed and dejected, would have made some excuse as to why I couldn’t go run. Instead, I got home and she said, “Hey, I thought Iliana would ride by you while you ran. Do you wanna go now?” That was so awesome! It was great to have my girls out with me. Even if it was only half way. That really made a difference and running wasn’t such a problem tonight. So, Amy, if you are reading this (which you probably aren’t), thank you so much for going out with me tonight. It meant a lot to me.

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