New Office…and a few other things

I just realized that I haven’t written a post in a while, so I’ll try to catch up a little.

Today marks the first day in our new offices in West Little Rock. It adds about 10 to 15 minutes to my commute each day. Not too bad though. I was worried about coming across the I-430 bridge, but by the time I came across, it was fine. Then I went down Cantrell and noticed that everyone was coming IN to Little Rock, so I had no traffic coming in. That made me feel a little better about the commute. I was also worried about going back to driving alone. For the past 5 months, I’ve been in a carpool, and let me tell ya, it has saved me a ton of money. Now, I’m by myself for a couple of weeks. Good news is that I met a guy that lives less than a mile from me that works the same shift as me. So, we will start carpooling in a couple of weeks. Thank God that the gas prices are half of what they were.

So, I’m adjusting to life in a new cube farm. I feel like Wild Bill Hickock. Not because I fancy myself (that’s right. I said “fancy myself”) as a gun slinging lawman or an amazing poker player, but because I’m sitting on the end of the row and have no wall behind me. I don’t like having people come up behind me.

I’ve also started running again. I’m supposed to run the Memphis St. Jude Half Marathon and the Little Rock Full Marathon. I say “supposed to” because I haven’t registered yet. And until I register, my training sucks. I didn’t run all last week. I’ll have to start posting my training runs on here again. That way I may feel a bit more accountable. I give everyone that reads this blog permission to hold me accountable. My run days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. And if you ever want to know what I am supposed to be running, you can click here to see my training schedule.

We went trick-or-treating Friday night. Iliana was Ariel from the Little Mermaid. She had a red wig and everything. It was pretty cute. The wig only lasted for about 3 houses though. Then dad got to carry it. We went with the Wrye’s and had a pretty good time.

Saturday, my dad and BJ came by for a visit. Iliana loves it when Papa K comes by because he always has Jake with him. Jake is a 110 lbs. Golden Retriever. Iliana loves playing with Jake. When they got here, everyone else was taking a nap, so we went for a drive out to the old ranch. When we first moved to Arkansas 18 years ago (holy crap! it’s been 18 years!), we lived on a 5,000 acre ranch. We were only renting it, but loved it. Long story short, we had to move, but I have always wished things could have worked out that would have allowed us to stay. Anyway, the place is barely recognizable. We used to host trail rides and all of the trails we cut through the woods by the barn are completely gone. They have now been replaced by a reservoir that is going to be used by the natural gas industry. To think of all the money we would have if we would have bought that place. All the money from the natural gas industry would have paid the place off. Oh well, hind sight is 20/20.

That’s about it. I will say that the fall colors in Arkansas are spectacular! It’s the one time of year that I enjoy living in Arkansas.

Oh yeah, I hear there is an election coming up. Go vote.

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2 Responses

  1. Alison says:

    I wish I had my own cubicle. I work at the front desk and I make my own little cubicle by pulling a book cart on the right of me and another smaller one to the left of me. I don’t like to share my workspace, but sometimes I must.
    I’ve always maintained that everyone should try red hair once before they die! (I’m SURE Iliana was the cutest little Ariel out there.)
    That must be one BIG golden retriever.
    I miss the fall foliage but I love the sun to shine. So I guess I’m where I need to be- for now.
    And yeah, I will be voting tomorrow. I hope we all come out winners but only time will tell. Thank goodness GOD is IN CONTROL! I trust Him better than either of our candidates.

  2. Dusty says:

    Thank goodness GOD is IN CONTROL! I trust Him better than either of our candidates.

    Well said.

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