Great Running Weather

Yeah, if you’ve seen my Facebook status, you know I’m sick and I have a race coming up. And that I think this weather sucks. Tuesday afternoon, it was 81 degrees. Thursday afternoon, it was 31 degrees. Anyone else see the problem here.
So, now I’m all congested and hacking up a lung and have to run in the Half Marathon Sunday. So, I’m either going to have the worst half marathon time or my best. The worst, well, because I feel like a big cold pile of poop. Not steaming hot, because that might be better than how I feel right now. Cold poop. The worst kind. The best because I might get out there and think, “Well, I’m here so let’s go ahead and get this over with so I can go home.” And run faster than I ever have. (By the way, as I wrote that last sentence, I nearly coughed up my other lung. Lovely.)
The only silver lining is that when I tell people that it took me so long to finish that the walkers beat me to the finish line, I can say, “You know I was really sick and didn’t think I would be able to run. I almost died. Twice. I left part of my lungs on the course up around the Governor’s Mansion. What’s your excuse for being so slow?”
Everyone knows that’s a lie. All of my friends are way faster than me. Now I have an excuse.
Oh yeah. I went to the Little Rock Marathon Expo to pick up my packet today. I gotta admit, I was a little disappointed. Sure, it was organized a lot better this year than it was last year. There were no lines. The packet pickup/shirt pickup/chip check was as fast as I’ve ever seen one, but the vendors were very limited. Not a whole lot of swag either. When the largest displays are from Easy Runner and One More Mile, then there’s a problem attracting vendors. On the plus side, Bart Yasso was there promoting his book. If you’ve ever read Runner’s World, you’ve probably read something from Bart Yasso. Pretty neat.
So, to all of my friends that are running the race on Sunday, I’ll be the guy coughing his way to the finish line.

*cough* *cough* *hack*

Whoops. Gotta go. My lungs just fell out.

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3 Responses

  1. I’m glad your lungs fell out.

    Now you have nothing left to hack up and can run your race tomorrow.


  2. Dusty says:

    Good point.

  3. Alison says:

    Funny! I’m reading this on Sunday evening so I’m assuming it’s over.
    I admire your fortitude. My husband took the dog for a walk and I stayed home and it’s a lovely evening for a walk. I’ve got a queasy tummy and I worked this afternoon but that’s really no excuse- I’m just lazy.
    Let us know how you did…

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