Family Reunion

Me, Amy, and Iliana just got back yesterday afternoon from a family reunion weekend in Uncertain, TX. It was pretty good as far as family reunions go. We left Thursday night after I got off work and went to Ruston, LA to stay with my grandmother. I’d like to take this time to give a shout out to my Granny; love ya and thanks fo’ the time. Anyway, we got there at about 9:30 Thursday night and visited for a little while. Iliana slept for about 2 1/2 hours on the trip and did not want to go to sleep when we got to Granny’s. She has a chow named Butterscotch. Iliana chased her all over the house; poor dog. Anyway the next morning we had Granny’s famous cinnamon rolls for breakfast and visited with my Great-Great Aunt Ina. Iliana played the piano for the first time. It was fun.

Then we had to get on the road for TX. Fortunately, we were only about an hour and a half away from Uncertain. Not much happened on the way there, but we did notice that the closer we got to Shreveport, LA, all the gas stations had casinos. Not just the little video poker or lotto machines, but actual casinos. So you can fill up your tank and play a few hands of blackjack while you wait. Only in LA…

Once we got to Uncertain, we had a good time. Amy’s cousin, Tracy, organized everything and did a great job. The lodge was right on the edge of Caddo Lake and all the fishermen in the family had a blast fishing and all of us that enjoyed lounging around in the air conditioning (me) enjoyed that. We watched Arkansas upset Auburn on Saturday. Awesome game! I have to admit. I was certain that Auburn would win, but the Hogs pulled it out! We also spent time riding around the lake. Amy took some great pictures of a boat trip we took. Once I get them, I’ll have to post them on the picture site.
All in all the trip was a success. There were no fights. And we all know that that can happen when you get 19 family members together for 3 days. The trip back home was quicker than I thought it would be. Now it’s back to the grind. I have to work 10 hour days this week to make up for missing yesterday.

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