
“Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays”

Immortal words spoken by one of Matt Judge’s characters from the cult classic “Office Space.” Every Monday I am reminded of this quote. Until this morning.

My daughter got up really early this morning. As in 5 am early. She went to bed early last night because we had a big afternoon and she didn’t have a nap. Which translated into a very early wake up call. She came into our room saying, “Mommy, I got a boogie.” Meaning, she had a booger in her nose that was bothering her. All you people that don’t have kids, yes, this is the type of wake up calls we parents get. Amy got up and tried to get Iliana to go back to sleep in her bed and I decided to go ahead and get up. When I got out of the shower, they were both in our bed. And both were wide awake. I tried to be quiet and finish preparing for the day in the kitchen. Then I heard the all too familiar sound of a short 3 year old trying to open our bedroom door. (This usually involves a lot of banging on the door. Hanging on the doorknob, letting gravity pull her and, in turn, turning the knob, and then using her body weight to slam into the door to open it.) I go help her and when she comes out, she reaches up and gives me the universal “pick me up” sign. She then proceeds to give me a big hug and kiss and tells me she loves me.

That was the best beginning of a Monday that I have ever had.

It got me to thinking about other firsts on Mondays. Then I tried to imagine what Monday was like for the disciples after the resurrection. After all, Christ rose on a Sunday and appeared before the disciples, who were in hiding. Imagine what that next day was like. The Son of God had appeared to them the day before. Less than 24 hours earlier, they were just frightened men, cowering for their lives. Now, they were men with a mission. Men called by God Himself to spread the Good News that Christ had risen. Men were transformed into missionaries. Brave men that stared persecution and death in the face. Men who would not, could not back down from the truth. And it all started that day.

What a Monday.

When Monday gets you down, realize that great things were started on Mondays. Maybe we can re-define the phrase “case of the Mondays” to mean the beginning of something great.

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3 Responses

  1. Alison says:

    At my age- every day is a good day! But I love what you wrote. Every single word. Enjoy that sweet girl. They grow so fast. (believe it)

  2. Dusty says:

    They do grow fast. I blinked and she turned 3. So now I walk around with my eyes wide open. Doesn’t do well with my contacts though. They keep drying out. 😉

  3. Alison says:

    Happy Halloween!

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