Category: Food


True Belgian Waffles

This blog is quickly turning into a recipe blog.  😉  I found this recipe a few nights ago for “Sunday Night – Breakfast for Dinner” night.  Never had I eaten waffles without syrup, but this recipe is sweet enough that it’s not required.  I like my waffles with dinges (Belgian...


Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls

We’ve started a holiday tradition around these parts.  Every year I make the famous (infamous?) Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls.  The only problem is that one batch makes about 45 cinnamon rolls.  Which can be good and bad.  Those that know me know that I’m kind of a completion-ist.  So…you give...


Help in the Kitchen

Great infographic! If you’d like to find a printable version of this cheat sheet, visit the Everest kitchens page.


New Direction

Well, we at the Kennedy house have decided to move in a different direction when it comes to our health.  We haven’t been the best stewards of the bodies that God has given us.  So much so that the girls think pizza is a food group that must be consumed...


The Secrets of Japan

If you don’t enjoy food and don’t get excited about learning new recipes, then you can skip this post. I love Koto’s.  A lot.  For those of you poor and unfortunate souls that don’t know, Koto’s is a Japanese Steak House about a block from my office.  It is quite...


Jacksonville, FL

I’ve spent the past week in Jacksonville, FL. At first glance, that seems like a nice vacation. But, alas, it not vacation; it is work. Amy was really wanting to go to this trip but I found out kinda last minute and there was no way we could afford the...


New Job

Well, so far, so good. I really like the new office. Everyone here is super friendly. Maybe that’s because they haven’t asked me to do anything yet, who knows. A few new people start this week. They pretty much tripled the size of their team with this round of hirings....