The Secrets of Japan

hibachi1If you don’t enjoy food and don’t get excited about learning new recipes, then you can skip this post.

I love Koto’s.  A lot.  For those of you poor and unfortunate souls that don’t know, Koto’s is a Japanese Steak House about a block from my office.  It is quite the favorite place to have lunch.  I love me some Hibachi Steak.  There’s really nothing special about the restaurant, but I love the food.  It just your standard “cook on the table” Japanese restaurant, but the food is great.  It’s also quite economical.  I can get salad, soup, fried rice (the best part), grilled vegetables, and the best mouth watering steak around for 8 bucks.  Where else can you get that?

It’s also a big favorite of my wife.  We used to go to Shogun’s every year on our anniversary.  But since we’ve found Koto’s, we prefer to go there.  And my wife could eat the fried rice alone and be happy.  And the mustard sauce.  She loves that.  So much so that I tried to recreate the whole hibachi experience at home on my little griddle.  Let’s just say, I need more practice.  The key ingredient is the mustard sauce.  I looked high and low for a recipe for mustard sauce.  You can’t just buy it in a store.  You have to make it.  And there are not many places out there that have a mustard sauce recipe.  Every recipe I found was drastically different than the other.  So when it came time to make it, it was like playing Russian Roulette with different ingredients.  It did not turn out very good.

All of that is about to change though.  While at Koto’s today, I asked the chef if they make the sauce or if they buy it.  And he said that he made it.  I asked if it was a secret recipe.  He said no and asked if I would like to know it.  I almost came out of my seat and jumped over the table.  After he finished cooking, he went in the back and actually wrote the recipe down for me.  Everybody at my table was asking for a copy.  That guy was awesome!  So, since I could never find a good recipe online, this is my contribution to the rest of the world that likes a really good Japanese Mustard Sauce.  Obviously, this makes a lot of sauce so feel free to cut it down to your own specifications.

Koto’s Mustard Sauce

3.5 oz Ground Mustard

2 Onions

2 Carrots

1/2 cup Garlic

1/2 cup Sesame Seeds

2 cups Mayonaise

1 cup Sugar

3 cups Soy Sauce

1 1/2 cups Vegetable Oil

1 tsp Pepper

1 tsp Salt

Finely chop onions, carrots, and garlic.

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until it has a creamy consistency.

There.  It’s done.  Granted, it’s not like I’m posting the cure for cancer for all the world to enjoy, but it is quite a delectable addition to a Japanese meal.  Enjoy.

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2 Responses

  1. Julie Straessle says:

    Holy cow, you must've posted this story right after lunch! I'm impressed, Rusty Dusty!

  2. Monica says:

    Nothing short of awesome!

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