Dusty Kennedy Blah, blah, blah...


More Pics

I know I haven’t been blogging a lot lately, I’ve just got a lot going on.  But, I could not ignore the cries from Mrs. Allison any longer.  I don’t have a ton of pics on the computer that I’m currently on, but these will have to do.  Thanks everyone....


Facebook Will Rule the World

Hey everyone. I know I haven’t posted much in a while, and I don’t have anything really big to talk about now. I just wanted to post this pic that my friend Dustin posted on his Tumblr page. Had to pass it on: Thanks Dustin!


Proud Papa

Have you ever worked at an office where there was one person that insisted on showing you pictures of their kids?  You know the person I’m talking about.  This is the person that no matter how times you say, “Yeah…cute kids.  Now, can you please send me that requirements document?”...


Special Delivery

We got a baby!  We got a baby!  This morning at 8:22 am, the newest addition to our family arrived.  Meet Simona Juliette Kennedy. Weight:  6 lbs. 13 oz. Height:  20 3/4 inches We are super excited to welcome her into our family. We were finally able to talk Iliana...


The Secrets of Japan

If you don’t enjoy food and don’t get excited about learning new recipes, then you can skip this post. I love Koto’s.  A lot.  For those of you poor and unfortunate souls that don’t know, Koto’s is a Japanese Steak House about a block from my office.  It is quite...


Dilbert’s Weight Loss Tips

Here’s an interesting article about how exercising for weight loss isn’t the best approach.  Exercising is great for the body and does well to hold of certain ailments such as heart disease or diabetes.  But, and it makes sense, it says that scientific studies have shown that most people exercise...


Starting Over

When I was younger, I loved playing video games. And when I say younger, I mean, like, 5:00 this afternoon. Anyway, there are certain games that I play that I feel like I have to start over every time I mess something up. So, I hit the reset button. In...



I know I haven’t posted in a while and this is not my return, just yet.  But I couldn’t help passing this along: Enjoy!


Still Here…

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything, but I’ve been incredibly busy. May was probably our busiest month in a long time.  Here are a couple of things that have happened since the last time I posted. Iliana turned 4 We went to a couple of different...