Proud Papa

Have you ever worked at an office where there was one person that insisted on showing you pictures of their kids?  You know the person I’m talking about.  This is the person that no matter how times you say, “Yeah…cute kids.  Now, can you please send me that requirements document?” he or she keeps showing you pictures of their kids.  It’s really frustrating.  We have such a person in my office.  Guy gets on my last nerve.  If he’s not bragging about the artwork that his wife and daughter made for him, he’s proudly flashing the wallpaper on his computer.  What is it, you ask?  What else.  It’s a picture of his kids.

Oh, and God forbid you actually ask him about his children.  If you do that, you just better get comfortable because he is going to ramble on about how great it is to be a dad.  He’ll tell you the most minute detail about what his kids are doing or saying.  I mean, just today, he was regaling us all with a story about how his oldest daughter really likes the song “Single Ladies” by Beyonce.  Evidently, she goes around singing, “If you liked it, you shoulda put a RAIN on it.”  What the heck does it mean to put a “RAIN” on it?  I swear.  This guy is driving me nuts.

If you’re reading this and you work in my office, then you probably know who I’m talking about.  You’re probably sitting there saying, “I can’t believe Dusty is going off on that guy.”  Well don’t worry.  You know why?  Because I’m about to tell the whole world (or at least the 3 people who read my blog) who this is.  This insanity has got to stop.  I’m on a mission to expose the “Proudest Papa” in the world.  You ready?  Here it is.

It’s me.

My girls

Two on the couch

Miss Priss

Miss Priss

Simona up close and personal

Simona up close and personal

Daddy's Sweet Pea

Daddy’s Sweet Pea

Silly Face

Yep…she get’s it from my side of the family

I cannot put into words how much I love my girls.  Hopefully, one day, when they’re older, they can look back on this post and see that I was once awarded “Proudest Papa” in the whole world….even if I awarded it to myself.  These are MY girls.  Well, they’re my girls because God trusted me enough to take care of them.  So, with that in mind, I hereby declare that no man in this world, short of Jesus Christ himself, will ever be good enough for MY girls.

I love you Gooby and Squeakers!

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2 Responses

  1. Alison says:

    I'm ready for more pictures…

  2. Alison says:

    More pictures please! No words necessary- they speak for themselves. 🙂

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