Kids say the darnedest things

The other day we were amazed at what our little bundle of joy said. I’ll go ahead and say that it wasn’t anything dirty or disrespectful, just funny. Let me set the scene:

We are all in the living room. Me at the computer (my usual perch), Iliana at her little table drawing or coloring or something, and Amy coming in from the kitchen with a Dr. Pepper in hand. Amy sits down on the couch and opens her can. Iliana hears the “Ka-sshhh” of the can opening. She perks up and says,

“Mommy, what you doin’?”

To which Amy replies, “I’m drinking a soda. You don’t like soda.”

And I swear, without missing a beat, Iliana says, “I like ice keam, dough.” Which translated means, “I like ice cream, though.”

How did she even know that that would be a valid response for what Amy said? She probably didn’t even know what she was saying, but it was still hilarious. We were rolling on the floor laughing our heads off. I know this is probably one of those “had-to-be-there” moments, but I thought it was too funny not to share.

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