Meetings…How the Roman Empire really fell

Answer me this:

If you are in meetings all week, how are you supposed to get your job done?  That’s what I’m struggling with.  In meetings all day…all week.  That equals no fun.

On another note, I’ve gotten back to my training schedule and ran with my friend Jon Monday night and we are planning on running again tonight.  So, now I just need to register for the marathon.

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1 Response

  1. Alison says:

    re: meetings- I usually have the option to volunteer for stuff like that. Since I’m considered a peon, title and monetary-wise, I leave it to the “professionals.” I love my job and I like to get it done.
    re: training- I am very impressed with your discipline. I only have to get on my stationary bike in the comfort of my home, and I haven’t been too faithful lately!

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