The Final Push

Hey Everyone! Well, it’s coming down to the last push for training for the triathlon. I have less that 4 days until the race of my life. I’ve done all the training I can.

It’s hard for me to get a lot of time in on the swim because I don’t live near a lake or anything. Luckily, that was my strongest event going into it. I’ve run a couple of bricks (bike and run back to back) and that was an odd feeling. After riding 14 miles, my legs felt like jell-o when I started running. I’m really looking forward to the race.

I’m excited and scared all at the same time. There is no way in the world I could even come close to the Top Ten in my category, but I really don’t want to finish dead last either. I’ve been comparing the times from last year to my training times and I think I’ll do okay. I just ask that everyone pray for me.

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