Running again

Well, I had to take a little time off from running. After my 14 mile run, I think I hurt myself a little. I didn’t think much of it at the time and went ahead and ran my 10 miles the following weekend. I couldn’t move for the rest of the day and it was just 10 miles. I had problems with my IT Band, ankle and right knee. So, I figured it was my body’s way of saying, “Slow down!” So, I laid off the running for about a week.

I started running again last Thursday. A friend of mine just moved in down the street from me and he is a distance runner, so, that helps. I think I may be a little slow for him, but he is very gracious and continues to run at my pace. We ran about 5 miles Thursday night and then got up at 6 am for a long run on Saturday. Now, I was a little worried about doing my full 16 miles like I was supposed to this Saturday because I had been off for a week. So my boss (he’s a runner) suggested that I do 8 in the morning and 8 at night. So, I planned for that. Saturday morning was probably the best run I have had since I have been running. Granted it was only 8 miles. The weather was amazing! It felt great! If Chicago is anything like that, I can’t wait!

After the run, me and the family packed up and drove to Branson, MO for the holiday weekend. Very “spur of the moment” kind of thing. More on that later. I was planning on running in Branson, but could just never find the time. So, my fear of jumping back into a long run will be pushed forward to this weekend where I am going to attempt 18 miles. I know, I’m crazy. I have come to the understanding that I may have to walk a little. I always feel like I’m giving up if I walk, so I push through. The only time I have walked on a run was on a very, very steep hill during a 4 mile run.

Anyway, I’ll try to be more proactive on the posts to keep the all of 1 person who reads this updated on my training.

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