Run for Their Lives 5K

I ran the Bank of the Ozarks – Run for Their Lives 5K Saturday. It was a pretty fun race. I’m still not a fan of running. I only do it because it is my weakest event in triathlons. And the only way that I will continue to run is to sign up for 5Ks. Since my usual run now is 3 miles, a 5K is right up my alley. The race was a benefit for a lot of inner city ministries, one of them being Young Life. A friend of mine, AJ Green, is the Area Director of the Little Rock Young Life and he told me about this race and I thought it would be a lot of fun. And boy was it! I have to say that I am growing tired of running in Little Rock though. Too many dang hills. I even posted my fastest 5K time: 27:19. That may not be fast for a lot of you folks out there, but for a fat guy like me, that’s moving pretty quick. Which brings me to another neat thing about the race: they had a restaurant cater breakfast after the race. How awesome is that? You run 3.1 miles and then get in line for eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy and fruit. That’s my kind of race!!! All in all, it was a lot of fun and I finished 211 out of 656 in the guys category and 22 out of 46 in the Men’s 30-34 age group. Can’t wait to do it again next year! Coming up is a 5K in Beebe and a couple in Searcy before my first tri in June. I always wanted to run a 5K, but I never thought I would make it a weekly habit. Crazy.

Also, I still haven’t written my post about the ApologetiX concert I went to. Stay tuned for that.

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