Searcy MADD Dash 5K

Well, I did another 5K this past weekend. No, I didn’t get first place again…I got second. And, to top it off, there were more than 2 people in the division. There were 5. HA! So, my 2nd place finish feels a lot better than my previous 1st place finish. Any way, it was a good race. Very well organized and sponsored. Yarnell’s was a sponsor. Always good when an ice cream company sponsors an event. I had 2 or 3 ice cream sandwiches. Good stuff. Anyway, my friends Justin and Jon ran this one, too. Once again, they came in 1st and 2nd in their division, and 6th and 9th overall for male runners.

It was a really neat run for me because when we started, I didn’t really have anyone to pace myself off of. I only knew that I didn’t want the 4th grader running beside me to beat me. Next thing I know, we hit the 1st mile marker and the time was 8:10. Holy crap! I almost just ran an 8 minute mile! I start thinking, “Wow! That’s fast for me. I probably need to slow down…. Wait a minute! What am I, crazy? Keep going! That 4th grader is right on your heels!” So, I ended up finishing with a 27:40. That averaged about a 8:55 mile. I was pretty psyched that I came in faster than the weekend before.

Anyway, here’s the route:

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By the way, I had considered running the 10K. I’m glad I didn’t. The guy that won the Little Rock Marathon last year ran the 10K and easily won. 6.2 miles in like 36 minutes. Yeah, he should be glad I didn’t run it either. He might still be waiting for me at the finish line so he could get his trophy and Health Corp membership.

That was the only weird thing about the race. The prizes for the top finishers in the races were Health Corp memberships. I’m thinking, “Okay, if they just ran 3 to 6 miles in the time that they did, they don’t need a membership to Health Corp. Give that to the person that came in last. They obviously need it more.”

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