
It has been quite a week. I got a job offer this week and accepted. Good news is that it allows us to have Amy home full time. Most people are more excited about that than the fact that I got a new job. Seems like a really great company to work for. It’s called Life and Specialty Venture. They own USAble Life Insurance. I would basically be doing the same thing that I’m doing right now. Still, it’s pretty exciting.

Also, Amy and I have been trying to sell some land for the past 2 years. Well, we sold it and closed on Friday! Praise God! God is definitely good. He has really blessed us and we deserve none of it.

So, May 27th is supposed to be my last day at PBSI and May 28th is my first day at LSV. The only downside is that I was hoping to keep my 7:00 to 3:30 schedule, but the earliest shift that LSV has is a 7:30 to 4:00 shift. So no carpool. That was one of the main reasons that I wanted this new job since gas prices are so high. I am looking at another possible carpool that I think goes at that time, so I’ll keep you updated.

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