12 mile run

Went for my long run yesterday. It was pretty hot. I checked the weather before I ran and it said the humidity was at 90%. I don’t know how accurate that was, but by the time I hit 10.5 miles, I was daydreaming about running through sprinklers. At about 11.5, I came up on a guy taking a water hose out to his mailbox. I asked him if he would spray me with it while I ran by and he was like, “Seriously?” I told him yeah and I think he enjoyed hosing me down a little too much. But it helped me get through my last half mile. When I got home, I didn’t even go inside. I just took off my shoes, grabbed the water hose, and stood under it for about 10 minutes. Then, I went around back, cleaned out my daughters swimming pool, and laid in it while we filled it up. That made the run worth it! It felt awesome!

Oh, by the way, if my daughter doesn’t make it in whatever she decides to do when she grows up, she can always work in the torture business. I was laying in the pool and she was water boarding me. She would pour water in my face with the hose, giggle, and then say, in a very sweet and loving voice, “Sorry, Daddy.”

Anyway, long run, but a good one. I have to run 14 miles next Saturday. Not looking forward to it considering that every long run I come back with massive raw areas under my arm. Ouch.

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1 Response

  1. Dustin says:

    haha, cute story. 🙂

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