Kennedy Travel Journal – Day 6

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory Tour turned out to be a little disappointing, as they were actually cleaning the entire factory from top to bottom at the EXACT time of our tour today, so we didn’t get to see any ice cream being made…but we still got to eat some delicious Triple Caramel Chunk. And we saw the Flavor Graveyard. R.I.P dear PB&J and also Fresh Georgia Peach. I wish I could’ve known you both. Lol.
We hit some moderate turbulence today, as attitudes flared, opinions clashed, & teamwork was at an all-time low in the #KennedyWolfPack. But we finally made it to our Maine destination with all four members intact.

Ben and Jerry’s Factory Tour

And for those who are wondering, we survived our night in #thecabininthewoods in rural Vermont. (No axe murderers or prison escapees sighted.)

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